About Us: 

En Nuestra historia somos bendecidos por la respuesta de la comunidad  desde que abrimos oficialmente en enero de 2021 ha sido increíble. Desde el primer día, hemos sentido un apoyo abrumador por parte de nuestros vecinos y clientes. La gente ha mostrado un gran interés en nuestra historia y en nuestros tacos desde que empezamos a vender en el patio durante la pandemia. Esta muestra de apoyo temprano nos ha impulsado a seguir adelante con determinación y pasión. Estamos agradecidos por la lealtad de nuestros clientes y por la oportunidad de servirles con platillos hechos con amor y dedicación diaria. La comunidad ha sido fundamental en nuestro éxito y esperamos seguir creciendo juntos en el futuro.Todos los dias nos esmeramos en servirles de la mejor manera.

Cada plato que servimos tiene ese ingrediente de Amor que es nuestra especialidad usamos los ingredientes mas frescos que podemos obtener, La exelencia es nuestra meta para todos nuestros clientes que los tratamos como en familia Gracias por contribuir con nosotros


The story of La Baja Tacos is an inspiring example of resilience and determination. Despite the challenges they faced during the difficult times of the COVID-19 pandemic, they decided to start their business on April 1, 2020. Although the road was full of obstacles to open the restaurant's doors, they did not give up. They began selling tacos in the establishment's patio, which turned out to be a fundamental starting point to become known in the community.

When the city finally allowed them to officially open on January 19, 2021, they had already gained recognition and support in the community. This early recognition is a testament to the effort and passion they have invested in their business. It is gratifying to see how loyal customers have continued to support them to this day.

Each dish at La Baja Tacos is made with love and daily dedication, using fresh ingredients of the day and ensuring the best possible quality. This commitment to excellence in every aspect of its service has surely contributed to maintaining the loyalty of its customers. What has the community response been like since you officially opened in January 2021

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5 months ago

Hello good food